I turned 50 in July. That was 6 months ago . From the day that I turned 49 I have been talking about turning 50. Truth be told from the day I turned 45 I have been saying I am almost 50. There are so many shitty things about turning 50 I could go on and on, yet, I am aware the alternative sucks so I should be happy. I am healthy and above ground. Is this what happens after 40? You start setting the bar really low that just breathing is your barometer? I have been struggling with the whole menopause thing recently. I can own that I am old and things are changing. I am trying to handle each change one at a time attacking from every angle. Sort of.
Weight gain, I have battled that my whole life. My hair changing? I have complained about that incessantly for the last year I am over it. Even my random hot flashes, I dress in layers shedding as I go along. I can’t really say I have my mood swings under any kind of control but I think my family is learning to deal with that. I notice they hide out a lot more to escape me regardless of my crying or yelling. Pretty much only my dog has escaped my wrath and that is because he had cancer.
All of these things I can handle but my random peeing is where I draw the line. This has sent me over the edge. At first it was random squirts. When I was attempting jumping jacks at the gym, or when I sneezed or laughed. But then it was more frequent, like always. I ran a half marathon and I am pretty sure I was slowly leaking the entire time. At first I couldn’t tell if it was sweat or pee, it was kind of cold out so it was hard to tell. It wasn’t like there was smoke coming from between my legs, it was just wet and not in a good way. Nothing says “Hello old timer” like getting in your car and realizing you smell like the nursing home you used to visit your grandmother at. I now understand why older people smell like urine all the time and that totally freaked me out.
Right after that race I Called my doctor and said this is a 911. My doctor is used to me calling with emergencies. Our last emergency was my hair breakage. I had to explain it was not just my hair breakage, it was my dry skin, emotional outburst, fits of hysteria, sleepless nights and overwhelming appetite. The bloodwork showed what I already knew. I was going through menopause. I swear I should have gone to medical school, I definitely missed my calling.
After a series of questions we determined I need to see a urologist. My doctor is in the city and I just did not have the energy to trek into NY during holiday season for something that can be figured out 2 miles from my house. I got some recommendations and off I went.
When I got into the waiting room I looked around and realized A. I was the only woman here and B. the average age of the patient was 75. Once I got into the room the nurse had me empty my bladder so she could do a sonogram. She then proceeded to do a sonogram of my bladder. She turned to me and said,” you didn’t empty your bladder”. I replied back to her, “Yes I did, I have nothing in there”. Her response? “Hmm. Ok.”
WTF?? “Hm Ok?” what did she see ? Do I have a tumor? Is there a leprachaun hiding a pot of gold? What is in there? As I am planning my eulogy the doctor walks in. She is about 25. Maybe younger. Was she some kind of prodigy? Seriously, she looked a few years older than my teenage daughter. And she was like a piece of wonder bread. I need some bedside manner, some personality. Give me something. You are about to stick your head in my Hooha please have a personality. No dice. No-one had been downtown other than my doctor and husband in over 20 years so I was slightly self conscious about what she may see in there. It’s usual visitors know how to deal with me should they find something unexpected.
She pulled her head out of my crotch and said “ok your urethra moved.” Awesome. What does that mean? Well, with childbirth and now menopause things are moving and dropping. All I could hear was Walt Frazier calling a knicks game. Look at Amy’s urethra moving and grooving, shaking and baking dropping pee with every step. Ok, great what can we do to fix this.
The remedy? Physical therapy. What? Im not going to physical therapy for my HooHa. I dont have the time or patience to sit at a red light let alone PT for my HooHa. I kindly explained to Doogie Howser that this was not going to happen, please give me another option and do I need surgery? As a a bottom line person I needed this doctor to give it to me straight. She proceeded to tell me that I will know when the time is right, when I will need surgery. And then she handed me a book and my dignity and sent me on my way.
I sat in my car flipping through my “Fun with Dick and Jane”version of losing your self-respect and realized I had a few choices. Choice #1. take the Dr’s. advice and go find some physical therapist, #2 , shrivel up and cry or #3, throw the book in the junk drawer and pretend like this day never happened.
I chose the last option. It has been a few months since that Dr. visit. Do I still pee everytime I laugh? You bet I do but I am so happy to have a laugh I will take the dripping. And as far as the ocassional pee while exercsising? I did the only logical thing I could do. I quit doing jumping jacks and pretty much anything that requires me to move up and down. I am thinking of getting a Peloton. This way if I am peeing I am in the comfort of my own home.
So to my local friends, if you see me running through the mall with a look of determination on my face chances are I am looking for a bathroom not trying to beat the crowds. Should you find yourself in a similar situation do not hesitate to text me, I know where EVERY bathroom in New Jersey is, I am happy to share my secrets.
So funny and so true!!! Another great blog